Following this operation, the Israeli Defense Forces said that Israeli tanks bombarded a Hezbollah outpost near the border with Lebanon. The Israeli army said it used tank fire to attack a Hezbollah observation post and artillery to shell Hezbollah artillery positions. Following the Israeli raid, Hezbollah terrorists launched missile and mortar attacks against northern Israel.

 Rocket sirens were heard in the northern kibbutz of Miskaveim, near the border with Lebanon, in the same location as the Israeli defense forces stated they intercepted an unknown item traveling towards Israeli territory from Lebanon. Although the object has yet to be recognized, military sources suspect it was a drone. According to the IVF, an air defense missile was thrown towards the item and successfully neutralized it.

 In response to Hezbollah's failed drone attack, the Israeli Defense Forces launched new drone strikes against Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon. According to the Israel Defense Forces, the attack was carried out to prevent Hezbollah members from attacking militant organizations. The Israeli Defense Forces carried out the drone strike in revenge for several attacks carried out by the militant group earlier in the day, following repeated strikes by militant groups in both the north and south. 

The Israeli defense groups decided to start a ground operation in Gaza. According to Israeli Defense Forces authorities, this ground operation serves several purposes. According to the Israel Defense Units, infantry units and tanks entered Gaza Strip territory in limited raids to clear the region of possible militants and find missing Israelis. According to a statement issued by the Israeli Army, Israeli troops inspected and collected various clues that could aid in the search for the missing. According to the IDF, troops in the area dispersed a number of militant cells, including a Hamas cell that shot anti tank guided missiles into Israel. 

The Israel Defense Forces did not advance further into Gaza. According to IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Haggadi, armored and infantry forces conducted searches and destroyed squads of anti tank guided missiles attempting to infiltrate Israeli land. Admiral Haggadi stated that Israeli forces discovered evidence that could aid in the search for the missing. Admiral Hegardi stated that the Israeli army is continuing to search for every detail about the missing. Israeli forces told the relatives of the missing that their loved ones were in Gaza. Immediately following the ground offensive by Israeli soldiers, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the country, providing an update on the war's progress.

 In a speech to the public about the war against Hamas, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remarked, Today, everyone knows that we are fighting for the homeland, and we are fighting like lions. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu underlined the nation's unity. Prime Minister Netanyahu is not known to have previously addressed the country on Shabbat, and there were expectations that he would deliver something particularly dramatic. 

Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that in the dark days after that terrible Shabbat's great anguish, much more will be written about our people's valor and stories will emerge that will be inscribed in Israel's identity. Prime Minister Netanyahu offered condolences to the families who had lost loved ones. He stated that they will never forget or forgive Hamas militants for their attacks. In fact, the Prime Minister stated that these events will never be forgotten.

 The most startling element of Prime Minister Netanyahu's address to the country was when he indicated that they had used unprecedented force against Hamas militants and that this was only the beginning. According to Prime Minister Netanyahu, the militant forces are only now beginning to pay the price, and things will become more difficult for them in the future. The Prime Minister did not go into detail about what will happen in the future, instead emphasizing that this is just the beginning. Earlier in the evening, Prime Minister Netanyahu acknowledged Israel's great international support. He believes that as more weapons enter Israel, militant groups will struggle. As a result, according to Prime Minister Netanyahu, they will demolish Hamas and win. This process may take some time, but they will emerge stronger than before, he said.

 Following Prime Minister Netanyahu's address, the evening attack by Israel Defense Forces appears to be a straightforward operation. According to the Prime Minister's rhetoric, a significant ground offensive would follow this operation. Simultaneously, Israeli forces have dispatched more military weaponry, equipment, and even reservists to the Gaza border than expected. It was reported that the reservists who had arrived at the border the day before were in excellent spirits and that they had a motive to fight for the cause.

 It should be noted that this is not the ground assault that the Gaza army has been planning for several days. There is evidence that a sizable ground operation is about to start thanks to both Prime Minister Netanyahu's declaration and the first step the Israeli army has taken toward launching a military assault. To provide a high level overview of the conflict, we can say that Israel has been carrying out airstrikes aimed at the Hamas military hierarchy as well as the organization's infrastructure. Approximately 6, 000 bombs have been dropped on Gaza over the course of the past six days. 

In comparison, NATO forces dropped a total of 7,700 bombs on Libya over the entirety of the conflict in 2011. As more evidence of this kind comes to light, we are able to comprehend that the Israeli defense forces have begun a tremendous attack in the Gaza Strip and that this army will not cease its operations until it has accomplished the goal it's set out to achieve.

 It is not hard to speculate on the plan that the Israeli defense forces will implement during the next few days. There will be no let up on the part of the Israeli troops until all of Gaza has been cleansed of Hamas members and the possibility of a catastrophic strike on Israel has been eliminated. We will continue to bring you updates from the front lines as this situation develops. We are grateful that you are keeping an eye on us.

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